All Of Dr. Hines’ Guides On Wildlife Rehabilitation
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Dear Reader,
These articles are dynamic. I write, add and correct them between caring for injured animals, fielding the Texas Parks & Wildlife answer-line and dealing with online inquiries from dog and cat owners. There is usually more than one road leading to the same destination – a successful release back into the wild. If you have questions, if you want to make suggestions, if you would like to correct errors (we all make some) or if you just report what works for you or chat, email me.
Should I Become A Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator? Is It The Right Thing For Me?
A Guide To Basic Hygiene And Sanitation
A Guide To Basic And Specialized Supplies
Should I Also Give Vitamins And If So, Which Ones?
Some Signs Of A Wildlife Vitamin Deficiency
A Guide To Mites And Lice And How To Eliminate Them
Dealing With Dehydration & Heatstroke
Repairing Cracked Turtles & Tortoises
Feeding Orphaned Wild Doves & Pigeons?
Raising Nightjars Nighthawks And Whip-poor-wills
A Guide To Raising Killdeer And Plovers
How Fast Should Baby Birds Grow?
Bird Wrist And Coracoid Injuries And How I Treat Them
Leg And Wing Fractures In Wild Birds And How I Repair Them
Broken Legs In Song Birds And How I Repair Them
Repairing Bird Wing Injuries With Tape Support Or Cotton Twine And Glue
What To Do For Birds That Can’t Or Won’t Eat
TomCat™ And Other Rodent Glue Traps And Wildlife – What To Do When The Two Of Them Meet
What Odors Can Birds Smell? What Flavors Can Birds Taste?
Rodent & Rabbit Tooth Problems
Collisions, Vision Problems And Eyeworms
What Vaccinations Do Wild Animals Require?
I Found A Baby Bird – What Should I Do? Rescuing Them, Raising Them, Their Food & Care
Caring For Orphaned Cottontail Rabbits
Caring For Orphan Fox Squirrels
Caring For Orphan Flying Squirrels
Caring For Orphaned Baby Opossums
Should I Have My Pet Opossum Spayed Or Neutered?
Murine Typhus And Opossum Fleas
What Is Baylisascaris, And Why Do I Need To Know?
Dear reader, Besides your donations, visitors to the products that Google and others display on my website help me defray the cost of keeping my articles on the Web – and you informed. As you know, sites like mine that intentionally use no AI, no SEO, and are not written to Sell You Things are getting harder and harder to find, Best wishes, Ron Hines