Why Is My Dog Or Cat’s Differential WBC Count Abnormal?

Your Dog And Cat’s White Blood Cell Count

Ron Hines DVM PhD

See What Normal Blood & Urine Values Are

Causes Of Most Abnormal Blood & Urine Tests

See How Tests Are Grouped

Differential White Blood Cell Count = WBC = Total Number of cells combined + The number of each individual blood cell type

When you combine your cat or your dog’s White Blood Cell Count (WBC) with Its Red Blood Cell Count (RBC), You Have Its CBC = Complete Blood Cell Count.

White blood cells are the policemen of your pet’s body. There are several kinds of white blood cells, neutrophils,   eosinophils,   mast cells,   basophils,   monocytes and lymphocytes.  Immature neutrophils are called band cells. Band cells are reported separately. White blood cells are also called leukocytes. A change in the number of any one of them or in their individual characteristics (=morphology) can point to a potentially serious health problem. 

Which of them go up and which go down when your pet faces health issues gives your veterinarian important clues as to what the cause might be. Read about the function and dynamics of each one of them by clicking on each of their links.


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