Mirataz® Mirtazapine Cat Owner’s Experience

Ron Hines DVM PhD

Owner updates in green   My comments in purple


May 8, 2023

My cat Schuster was diagnosed with wet FIP.  By that time he had stopped eating and defecating for three days. He had no appetite and was terribly lethargic with an enlarged abdomen. I asked for an appetite stimulant and was given the pill form which was almost impossible to get into a very wiry cat. After three days I detected little difference in his appetite. Then I switched to the dermal form and results were immediate. He began lapping a slurry of high protein a/d canned food mixed with water. It took a few days before he was interested/able to chew the more solid form. Finding a flavor that he enjoyed was a challenge, not fish but chicken worked. Soon, within three days he was eating many small meals and had his first tiny bowel movement, two hard one inch thin logs. I continued to treat him for five days to be certain his eating was re-established. He began eating kibble as well as canned food and drinking water. I discontinued the dermal treatment somewhat by mistake but it has not been needed since. He began having daily, formed, first hard and dense, but subsequently formed but looser bowel movements. We are on day 16 of the treatment and his health continues to improve.

C. W., Upper Susquehanna River Area