Why Are The Results Of My Cat Or My Dog’s SSA Test For Urine Protein Leakage Abnormally High?

Ron Hines DVM PhD

See What Normal Blood & Urine Values Are

Causes Of Most Abnormal Blood & Urine Tests

See How Tests Are Grouped

The Urine Sulfosalicylic Acid Test For Protein = The SSA Test

The SSA test is an older alternative method of detecting when abnormally high amounts of albumen protein are present in your pet’s urine. Healthy kidneys do not let blood albumin escape into urine. The SSA test was once thought to be a more precise way to measure that protein leakage than visually comparing the color change on veterinary office urine “dipsticks” to the chart that is printed on the side of the bottle. But more recent date suggests that the SSA test is no better than the dipstick color (colorimetric) comparison method.

These days, the urine microalbinuria test, the urine P:Cr ratio, and your dog or cat’s BUN and Creatinine blood levels are the tests veterinarians choose when screening your dog or your cat for evidence of kidney disease. The SSA and the first two other tests detect situations in which blood proteins are abnormally leaking into your pet’s urine because of damaged kidney filtering units. The SDMA test is also a current favorite. Read about the SDMA test here and its significance here.   

Since transient situations such as high fever or extreme exertion can also account for temporary protein-positive urine, consider having these tests repeated later if either situation preceded positive tests.


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