Meet The Vetspace Editorial Team

Meet The Vetspace Editorial Team

You are my editorial team. My website usability depends on your feedback regarding broken links, typos, errors, ideas, suggestions and comments. I am always happy to correspond and learn from my website readers. Email me at

At a time when Corporate and Big Pharma voices are the ones most likely to be heard, I believe it is important that individuals like myself keep independent websites online. To cover costs associated with this website, I rely on your Google AdSense ad clicks and your donations. If you find an ad running on my website that you find objectionable or misleading, let me know, and I will block it.

Backlinks to my articles are very important to me when it comes to my website’s Google search ranking and spreading the news. I appreciate all links you place online to any of my website articles. You can link to my articles on your Facebook pages, in your webpages and elsewhere if you like them.

  But please do not cut and past my articles themselves or major portions of them into other websites. When you do that, I cannot edit, update or correct them anymore. 

I still have numerous site corrections to make. This is now a site. I couldn’t devise a method to automate the transfer of my 400+ articles from their original Dreamweaver– based 2ndchance website structure to my new Vetspace WP website. So over about 15 months, I have been rewriting them one-by-one when I find the time between patients. Being a veterinarian and not an IT guy, in that very time-consuming process numerous typos, coding and linking issues and plugin conflicts invariably sneak into my work. You can help me out with that whenever you notice an error by letting me know. If you are a WP back-side coder with CSS skills who can make themes behave or tame them when they act up and become unruly, I need you.

Best wishes,

Ron Hines

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Visiting the products that you see displayed on this website help pay the cost of keeping these articles on the Internet. 

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