Dog Owner Feedback From Entyce® Users

Ron Hines DVM PhD

Tell me about your dog’s experience with Entyce®

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When Entyce® is effective, it usually works in a matter of 1-2 hours or less. Its appetite stimulating effects generally do not last long.


October 8, 2023

My dog Lina is a 17 year old dachshund. She weighs 6.3lbs. Her weight has been decreasing for months, down from her normal 11-12 lbs. I was told she possibly has Cushing’s disease. She also has extremely high liver enzyme levels an enlarged gallbladder and potentially pancreatitis. I stopped the Entyce for a while, but just gave it to her again this evening. She lost control of her body and couldn’t even hold her head up in a matter of an hour. I attempted to feed her which is when she began to pass out during feeding to the point she could not control her neck. She is now sleeping with shallow breaths and if woken looks faint behind the eyes. She has not had a BM in a week. I was told this could be the case with her limited eating and pancreas issues and I read in the pamphlet that 62% of Entyce is eliminated from the body in through the stool in 72 hours. Is it possible that this response is a toxicity due to Entyce since she has been unable to have BM? It is stated on the pamphlet, as others have said, that Entyce is not appropriate for dogs with hepatic or adrenal issues which she is currently dealing with. Regarding Entyce’s effectiveness, in the first few days Entyce seemed to do absolutely nothing. She developed a sudden appetite after beginning Denamarin and at the same time after not receiving Entyce for 2 days. Her appetite dipped again after a few days, so I tried the Entyce today only to have her experiencing this extremely concerning reaction. The pamphlet says it should not be given to dogs who have a hypersensitivity to capromorelin however it includes no information as to what a sensitivity might appear as symptomatically.

S. M.


September 24, 2023

Hi, My dog Baby will immediately start foaming at the mouth and spewing out thick saliva by shaking her head almost violently [after I give here Entyce]. It must taste super awful. She weights 6.5 pounds. However it seems very effective. They were able to get it into her at the vet. I even tried giving it mixed in honey or syringed in mouth and honey after.   Nothing…  what can I do?  She has pretty bad renal disease and has nausea & vomiting. She gets omeprazole and Cerenia for that. But nothing is helping except the dialysis she gets at the hospital. I don’t know how much longer she can go without enough food.  She is not keeping food down. 

M., J***M*****

I emptied a capsules that the omeprazole DR came in. I was able to pour the beads out and needed 2 capsules to drop the Entyce liquid into them. I only put it into one side with an eyedropper and then put the cap back together. The total was 0.35 mL. The other capsules are being delivered tomorrow.  But are they too big?  They are size 0.  I don’t want to choke her. 

9-26-23 Dear J, Little lapdogs like Baby can become very set in their ways. If a dog with her symptoms and history walked through my doors, I might decide that a diet of chicken and rice, as you suggested, would be a very good idea, since Baby resents the taste of k/d™. I would ask if my client’s dog had perhaps consumed doxycycline because that will sometimes cause lingering esophagitis and pain on swallowing. In those situations, many dog owners whose pets have kidney issues blend a liquified home prepared diet with a bit more chicken fat to keep the phosphorus level lower. They also go heavier on the cooked rice or other low phosphorus ingredients. There are plenty of B vitamins in quality chicken meat, but very little vitamin A, D3 or calcium. So, long term, a diet like these requires a vitamin mineral supplement. What you decide to do needs to be discussed with your local veterinarian. 


May 4, 2023

My dog Masha was a 4 year old Anatolian Shepherd rescue. Masha was being treated for a Clostridium infection (CPA). She would hardly eat anything. Her white blood count (WBC) was only slightly elevated and her platelets were low (~30%). She had a fever and metronidazole (Flagyl®) would not bring the fever down. So they gave her an IV of fluids last Friday. I took her to a nearby ER yesterday because she was weak and still hot. Ultrasound showed an anechoic liver (abscesses?) and prior kidney infarcts, but no stomach or intestinal obstructions. The ER prescribed 4 additional medications, including Entyce. She ended up hyper salivating a very thick mucus saliva. I read the fine print on the Entyce label which warns not to administer it if there are liver or kidney issues. Masha had a lot going on, but the Entyce caused her to produce an excessive amount of a very thick saliva. She choked to death. I tried CPR and tried to aspirate her but it was too late. I am sorry for the length of this email, but people need to read their warning labels. I verified the warnings with the Elanco rep earlier. 


R. T., North of the SF Bay Area


April 10, 2023

Max my 17 year old male Dachshund. He is 13 pounds, 2 weeks not eating. He takes medications for Cushings and thyroid.  I gave an overdose of Entyce, because the veterinary prescribed wrong. Instead of 0.6 they wrote 6.0 ml. Agreed the dosage has to be clear. I almost kill my dog. All the side effects, lethargy, crying, raise heartbeat, hard breathing and drooling excessive saliva. Gave him something for the stomach pain. Now he is sleeping.  I hope it will say how dangerous the overdose is. The chat really help not to panic. Hope tomorrow he will be out of it. 

G. M., Senoia, Georgia

4-11-23 He was able to make it through the night. Thanks,

4-12-23 Max went today very peacefully. After the overdose everything went down and he had difficult nights. I did care deeply for my Max and I am thankful for every precious day we spent together.


February 21, 2023

Entyce worked great for my 10 yr old Pekingese the first two days, but it has not worked since. He was just diagnosed with diabetes two weeks ago. He had 3 seizures the first week after being diagnosed. Now he gets injections of Novolin twice a day 12 hours apart. But during the second week he began to lose his appetite, then all of a sudden refused to eat at the Vet or at home. He has to be force fed. My Vet prescribed the Entyce. The first day within an hour it worked great, second day I got the same results. Third day giving Entyce the same time each day 0.5 ml Max refused to eat again that was 2 days ago and I continue to give it to him but it has no effect at all. I was so disappointed I really thought Entyce was going to be the answer for my little dog. It is very expensive to not actually work. Thank you,

P. K., Sent from Mail for Windows


February 10, 2023

My 14 year old labradoodle has a well managed heart murmur and Cushing’s disease. But over the last 4 months has lost weight from 24 lbs to 18 lbs. Nothing I am giving her or “enticing” her with helps. Sometimes she eats, nibbles, but she seems nauseated by the food. My Vet prescribed an anti-nausea pill and also Entyce. After giving her .75ml she was ravenous and ate three bowls of food. However after that she became loopy and out of it. Given her heart condition, I was extremely concerned, but as it was at night so there was no one I could call. She got up several times that night to drink water. Around 10 hours later she was back to her normal breathing.  M. F., New York, NY

Dear Ms. F. Thanks for the message regarding your labradoodle. You mentioned a pill that she takes to prevent vomiting, might that be Cerenia®/maropitant citrate? If so, some of the side effects occasionally reported at the higher doses of that drug are diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness/lethargy/apathy, drooling and reduced appetite. Of those, diarrhea is the most common one. Is she also taking Vetoryl® or Lysodren® for her Cushing’s disease? Either of those meds can also cause those issues. Best wishes, RSH 

I let my Vet know – sounds like a very important drug but I should have been told if possible side effects to watch out for. I didn’t read the included pamphlet, maybe it states them. I asked if perhaps instead of .75 she should get like .2! Yes, Drug interactions are always a possibility. It is really hard to design FDA or EMA drug approval studies to check for all possible cross-reactions. It’s only with time that they become apparent. And like in people, they become more common in the elderly. Veterinary, FDA pre-approval drug studies are usually run in 1-2 year old beagles.


February 4, 2023

I noticed that several parents commented that their pet did not like the taste.  I have a suggestion from our experience with liquid meds for our dogs.  After measuring the dosage, we add either water or another pet friendly liquid such as fruit juice. This seems to dilute any bad taste, and we have not noticed a significant difference in how the medication works. Today was our first use of Entyce.  Our dog seemed to accept it well mixed with her other liquid meds and water.  An hour later she ate well.

N. & B., Tallahassee, Florida


January 17, 2023

My 15 year old Chihuahua/Shih Tzu has had various issues over the years and has dealt with them well for the most part. She had pancreatitis last summer and ever since has had declining appetite. The vet gave us Entyce and it worked really well getting her to eat but she hated the taste of it so much she spat out as much as she could and got to the point where she threw up right before I gave it to her, I truly believe due to anxiety since she knew what I was doing. I was giving it to her pretty regularly for a while even though I felt like I was torturing her. When I stopped it worked residually for a few days. She never had the other negative effects that others have mentioned such as agitation and possible pain, thank God. I stopped giving it to her once she ate a few times a day (small meals) and now will only give it to her if she goes a whole day or two without eating at all. I have to add that it only worked if I gave it earlier in the day; it had no effect after about 3 pm. I think this would be an outstanding product if they could make it more palatable for the poor dogs. It’s bad enough to have to squirt stuff in their mouths without it tasting horrible! I can’t imagine why this company would flavor something for dogs with VANILLA.

R. P., Sent from Mail for Windows


December 2, 2022

Hi, I thought I’d share my feedback using Entyce.  This is Day 1. My dog Dory is a 19 year old, 12 lb poodle with increasing mobility issues. He had slowed eating, enough so that I took him to the vet where he was diagnosed with kidney disease. The vet said he needed fluids, special kidney food, appetite stimulation, and a nausea injection. The appetite stimulant was a syringe of Entyce. I gave him the first dose around 10 AM this morning. About 2 hours later he was fairly agitated, trying to walk around and very vocal.  He is a completely non-vocal dog, so this was highly unusual. However, he ate enthusiastically!  Anyway, the agitation and vocalization has continued for the rest of the day and it is now 10pm. He also has been drinking a lot more water than normal (which I thought was probably good for his kidneys) He wears a diaper and the output has been substantial–keeping him dry has been a challenge. So, Entyce has been a mixed blessing. The agitation and vocalization are difficult to watch, but knowing he is eating is a relief. The reason I found this site was to see if other dogs experienced the same reactions and I am relieved to see that they do, so thanks to everyone who shared their stories!  I’m a bit anxious to give him the next dose tomorrow morning, because of the anxiety side effect, but will proceed.  
Nervously optimistic in MN, Kelly and Dory


November 25, 2022

Bella, our 16-year-old Jack Russell Terrier has mid cruciate knee ligament problems. She weighs 12.5 lbs. Her appetite and urge to eat is waning. She takes Anipryl 2.5 mg Q Day. She takes Vetmedin twice a day for her Mitral heart valve insufficiency and Galliprant once a day for her arthritisHer 1st dose (0.84 ml) of Entyce worked great for her evening meal. She ate within 30 minutes. But that night she woke and was extremely agitated and in distress. Restless, crying and acting as if she was having some kind of hallucinations.  Inconsolable. Her heart rate was elevated. That lasted several hours. The next morning she was back to normal. Ate well that day w/o any Entyce. Like there was a residual effect. After that nighttime experience, we were extremely reluctant to dose her again. We thought maybe a half dose will work with less side effects. We waited a few weeks and tried AM dosing with half the Rx Amt. (0.40 ml). She ate within 30 minutes. She became very restless and agitated. After Difficulties getting her to eat for a few weeks, and desperate, we tried again. This was another 3 weeks later. Tried PM dosing with half the Rx Amt. (0.40 ml). She did not eat. No effect on appetite. She was very restless and agitated, again with an elevated heart rate. I hope this information is helpful. 

K.K.C. Richmond, Virginia


September 3, 2022

Hi, My 14-year-old mini Australian Shepherd, Kali was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma last October. She had tumors in her face (the bones around her right eye), nose, and mouth. No other spread. Her lymph nodes are clear. She went thru 2 weeks of radiation therapy last November/December.  Unfortunately her right eye was damaged from the radiation and recently we removed the eye as her oncologist and eye specialist felt her eye was the cause of her pain. A few days prior to the eye removal, Kali stopped eating and her breathing became labored. The doctors said it was important to remove her eye asap. Kali’s oncologist prescribed prednisone to help with her appetite. Didn’t seem to have any effect on her appetite. She went 4 days without eating, which also meant she wasn’t getting her medications as we put them in her food. I called my regular vet and got Entyce! Absolutely amazing! She sleeps when we first gave it to her, but about 3 hours after she’s ready to eat! I’ve only given the Entyce to her for 2 days now. But both days its been amazing! I have not noticed any other side effects except for the sleeping after dosage given. The vet gave me 5 days worth. (Prefilled syringes).  I’m hoping that’s enough so she feels better and starts eating on her own. I read your article on Entyce and thought I would share my experience.  September 7, 2022, I wanted to add an addendum to my experience with Entyce.  Sadly, day 3 & 4 of Entyce did nothing for my Kali. She now hasn’t eaten in 4 days and after visiting the oncologist today the prognosis is not good. She did give Kali an injection of steroids hoping that might help her appetite. 

Thanks, L. P. ,****pe***, Tucson, Arizona


May 28, 2022

My 7-year-old Catahoula Leopard dog mix, Stella, has T Cell Lymphoma cancer that was diagnosed in October of 2021. She went through a full cycle of the CHOP (chemo) protocol before it relapsed. Then she then did a couple of months of CCNU (lomustine) until her liver values became too high. We just switched to the MOPP protocol and this is the first chemotherapy that she has really become sick with and won’t eat. Along our journey I have given her many different medications and supplements. She has never been a picky eater and at the beginning she would chomp into the pills and I had to check if it was okay for them to be crushed. However, when I tried to give her Entyce, a product that is supposed to increase appetite, it seems to be (the least effective). She spits it out all over me, even if I try to keep her mouth closed. Furthermore, it has done absolutely nothing to increase her appetite in two days of administering it. For a drug that cost $100, I am less than impressed. I read about using mirtazapine and got my vet to prescribe it. (the transdermal is a cat product, pills are also available for dogs, dose varies depending on liver function) If it wasn’t a holiday weekend I would have that prescription called in.

Bonnie b**********   in Utah

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April 28, 2022

My 12-year-old standard poodle had lost 4 pounds and lost his interest in his dry dog food. He would only eat meat (beef and chicken).  We took him to his Doggie Doctor.  Dr Ken did a senior blood work panel to compare to last year. He also did full neck-to-tail x-rays.  All he could find was a slight fever from his eye allergies.  So he said we should try Entyce because it was a fast acting appetite, stimulate. Within 1 hour my dog could not stand and walk on his on.  I had to carry him out to the bathroom and hold him up to urinate. 

J. G. **_****


August 7, 2021

My 100 lb dog stopped eating for over a week. So our vet prescribed Entyce®.  I thought I was administering it incorrectly, because he had such a strong reaction….. He hated the taste, tried to spit it out and acted as though it burned his tongue. I only gave him half a dose on alternate days, and am not sure how much was consumed, BUT, his appetite improved slightly so he did eat occasionally. The flavor desperately needs to be changed !!


July 15, 2021

My 16-year-old pug has CKD (chronic kidney disease), spinal cysts and is in a wheelchair. We nearly lost him last month when he got an abscess. He lost several pounds and he wouldn’t eat while he was on the antibiotic. So we started him on Entyce®. I think that helped save him. The first time I used it, it worked and I kept him on the Entyce® until he started gaining weight and was no longer in critical condition. I took him off of it to see, but after a week he started losing interest in food again and I’ve started it up again. He drools after I administer it. I think that its sugary sweet vanilla smell is pretty disgusting and he doesn’t like it either. You should reformulate it. As it is I have to force it down him, which is upsetting to use both. I began giving him Nutrived B-Complex Plus Iron as well to see if that might help.
M. Z.


July 7, 2021


Our 12-year-old dog, Juno, is a 53 lb standard poodle. She recently survived Lepto, and now is in the middle of kennel cough treatment. She also had thrombocytopenia, and had to have her spleen removed. We’ve been using the Entyce® on and off for the past several weeks for her but as time has gone by her appetite has worsened. The Entyce® no longer seems to have any effect. I can’t say that it ever worked that well for her.  

Thank you,

C.S., Dallas, Texas


June 1, 2021

My 15-year-old Tibetan spaniel, Yodi, was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease 9 months ago after weight loss and declining loss of appetite. He was very lethargic and nauseous, with the CKD effects occurring rapidly. We employed a number of treatments and medications to combat his disease symptoms. To encourage eating we started giving him Entyce® daily and his appetite improved. Although his kidney test numbers are still high, he is basically a happy, fairly active 15yr old senior dog 9 months later. We have at present seen no adverse effects from the daily use of Entyce®. In fact, his coat is longer and healthier than it has ever been and we have to trim his nails much more often. We for the most part ruled out the other meds or diet as the causes of these changes and our internal med vet suggested it might be an Entyce® response., Gilbert, Arizona


April 24, 2021

One quick note about Entyce®: Our vet prescribed Entyce® in the wrong dosage by mistake. Fortunately, and because I’m not fond of artificial stimulants, I gave my dog the right dosage without knowing it (I always start with “less” – and see how that works). The dosage prescribed was 1.4 ml. The actual dosage should have been 0.5 ml (for a 10 lb dog). I wonder how many vets might prescribe the wrong dosage, because it is confusing when you read hurriedly the online dosage (“Give 3 mg/kg “(1.4 mg/lb) body weight once daily.”) which might contribute to some people’s bad experiences with Entyce®.  Just a thought.  In our case, a couple of days on Entyce® at the right dosage seem to kick start his appetite without other issues.

M. & B., San Francisco


January 25, 2021

Hi there,
My Pomeranian, Lacy, is relatively OK but she is 16 yrs old and has right-sided heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. She still goes for two small walks daily but her appetite has been off, possibly due to her heart meds or the illness. She takes sildanifil (Viagra®) three times a day for her high blood pressure. Her BP had been totally normal on the sildanifil until that Entyce® incident: it was like she was alive but really tired and limp and stoned. Even with the 0.1 ml dose which was so small. We tried Entyce twice. One time she has to go to ER a few hours after taking it because her BP dropped to 70. It slowly came up and she was released the next morning. She was also very lethargic after Entyce. We had given her 0.4 ml and she weighs 10 pounds but still has good liver and kidney values. The second time we gave her 0.1 ml Entyce and her BP did not drop but she was so lethargic she slept all day. Neither days did she eat but she ate well in the days after we had given the Entyce. Needless to say it didn’t seem to do well on her overall and the spike in lethargy is so fast and quick it is too scary. Wish it had worked.

A. K., Toronto, Canada   Sent from my iPhone


July 6, 2020

My 13 yr old Rhodesian Ridgeback was refusing to eat anything. She backing away from her food bowl and stared into space. Her vet discovered kidney failure and I thought it was the end for her. She had a 24 hour fluid drip at the vet office and they gave her Entyce®. Its pretty expensive, but it makes her very hungry almost immediately. She will now even eat her prescription kidney  food which otherwise she would not touch. I was concerned about giving her this strong medication but I am sure she’d be gone by now without it. She had lost 8 pounds by the time we started the Entyce® But now she has gained 5 pounds back.
The side effects are gastrointestinal: lots of gut sounds, and sometimes diarrhea and smelly farts. I use 1/2 an Imodium™ for the runs and Pepcid™ for the GI distress (vet approved). This dog would have died months ago without Entyce®; so even with the side effects I am thrilled that she now will eat even the kidney food (spiced up). Most importantly she is enjoying life as long as we control the diarrhea. I also make her food very wet using NO salt chicken broth and lots of water. I worked with a nutritionist from the UC Davis vet school who helped me a lot on what to feed her. That also required my vet’s approval. I have one more comment. I read the original research and the FAQ on the Entyce® site . The answer to a FAQ about using it PRN (as required) was  not to stop and start the medication and to try to give it at the same time everyday. I believe that’s very important information as I also (since it taste awful) was giving it PRN. My vet had said everyday but since my dog hated it I just didn’t pay attention. I give my dog a cookie she loves after the Entyce® but still it takes two of us to get  her to hold still without her getting away from me as she is a 70 pound hound.
S.S.  Durham/Chapel Hill area, NC


April 21, 2020

My 15 yr old  shih tzu  was diagnosed with COPD and pneumonia.  He was on 2 antibiotics for 12 days and also [will be] taking a steroid and prednisone for the rest of his life.  He lost his interest in eating and drinking.  We gave him his first dose of Entyce® at 10:00 am but he still has no real interest [in eating]. 
D. P., Sent from my iPhone  


April 18, 2020

Our mutt-mix border collie-ish female dog had emergency surgery for bladder stones. She was prescribed Entyce as she was not eating for the vet in their kennel situation. We have just got her home last night and administered Entyce in the AM with her other meds as prescribed. She immediately began foaming at the mouth uncontrollably with thick mucousy saliva. Today she has tremendous thirst and NEEDED to pee every hour or sooner. When we talked to the vet before picking her up he said her liver values were not as good as they had been on a previous test. (She stayed with them 5 days) We will be consulting with our vet in the morning ( during business hours) about discontinuing Entyce due to adverse reactions!

Thank you,

J. W. Sent from Mail for Windows 10


December 12, 2019

My 16 y.o. Yorkie [has] multiple health conditions that require diminish[ed] palatability food (low salt, low protein, low fat). [ ] At the time of his pancreatitis diagnosis in June [ ] the veterinarian gave me Cerenia® and Entyce®, saying to try the Cerenia first, and prescribed a low fat dog food. The Cerenia® and low fat food seemed to be working for a while, but it became increasingly difficult to maintain the dog’s interest in food. He even refuses foods he loved in the past like sweet potato and watermelon.

Today [ ] I gave him his first dose of Entyce. I had left out the bits of sweet potato and watermelon. [ ] When I returned, he had eaten it all, including a few pieces of the low fat kibble that had been sitting undisturbed in a bowl for days. I offered some low fat canned food and rice, and he ate that too. I decided to wait before I offered him anything else. Then I was surprised to hear from the other room, this normally non-vocal dog whining (crying) quite loudly. It was startling, but thinking he might just have to go outside, we went for a walk. He did have a pretty normal bowel movement, but seemed to be ambulating more slowly than usual. When we got home, he bounded into the house and acted like he wanted something to eat, so I gave him a small amount of his home cooked meal, which he ate. A short while later, I again heard him whining plaintively from another room. I offered him more food, but he only ate the sweet potato. Now he is sleeping quietly next to me while I write this email. I have palpated his abdomen, and he doesn’t appear to be in pain. I checked to see the reported side effects of Entyce, and none seems to address this vocalization or a suggestion of pain. It is now probably 4 1/2 hours since his dose of Entyce. I hope the appetite stimulation lasts longer than this, and that the whining stops. He only does it when I am not in the room with him, so it is possible it is just anxiety, but as I said earlier, this is a remarkably non-vocal dog who has never barked, and rarely growls when playing or when frightened by larger or energetic dogs getting too close.

V.C.  ********


December 9, 2019

My four-year-old dog who has IBD has been on Entyce for several months for poor appetite.  She hates it!  I feel sorry for her when I give it to her, after the other 4 medications she has to take. She shakes her head violently.  Sometimes it seems to have no effect at all, but today she scarfed down a bowl of canned food right after I gave it to her. I have been tracking her intake and Entyce dosages for the past month, and really don’t see a correlation.  Thank you for your interesting article!

E.H. *********


December 8, 2019

My dog, Champ, developed melanoma of his dew claw. We had it removed; but unfortunately his mitotic count was high and the melanoma did end up moving to his lungs despite using the melanoma vaccine. He was given 4-6mo to live. About two months into the diagnosis he began to be very picky about eating, and stopped eating almost totally for a few days. We went to the vet where they gave him a “buffalo hump” water boost and supplies to do this when needed, and Entice® for home. Champ was still in good condition at this point. I first gave him 4ml (a whole dose) and he sat for a few hours, his eyes got very droopy, but he ate whatever we gave him. But then he had polydipsia and drank almost his entire bowl of water at one time. We cu the dose to one ML and that seemed to work very well. Over time as Champ has gotten sicker and weaker he has become very picky with food, and won’t eat until 2pm or so. Many of these days Ii gave a half dose of Entyce® and was very thankful it got him going. By the end, when his lungs got worse, Entice® did not do much to help his eating and we are not sure why. We are thankful for the help and very thankful for this blog as he did not always act normal when on Entice, but the cut dose was much better.

J.L   *****


November 21, 2019

Hi! I Just read your article on Entyce. Been using it on my dog for a while. She’s got numerous issues and won’t eat although she’s hungry. (She’s on a cadre or meds, nothing helps.) And, she’ll let me syringe pureed food into her mouth willingly but won’t feed herself. Anyway (Entyce) works OK. About 20 mins after she takes it she’ll usually feeds herself but not that much. And, it makes her stomach very gurgely which she doesn’t like.
I think it’s just a peptide they figured out how to make orally available.

N.B. *******


October 16, 2019

My vet gave me some Entyce for my 12 yo cocker who has anorexia after surgery and an extraction for a dental abscess. He also has Cushing’s disease (pit dependent) and inflammatory bowel disease. She thinks it will be fine to try but I am concerned  after reading your comments that his diarrhea will recur. It is usually pretty well-controlled with Flagyl®. He was so sick after this last procedure. Just wondered whether you have used this with any of your IBS dogs.
L.F., MD
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September 11, 2019

I’m Desperate. I’m in the UK and my dog is dying. She needs Entyce® and my vet is brilliant but she can’t get it. I’m trying everywhere. I’ve contacted loads of US pharmacies and they will not accept a UK vet prescription. Is there any way possible you can get it for us? As I said I’m desperate!! It’s just the bureaucracy of licensing that’s causing the issue nothing else.
Many thanks, J-A.
Sent from my iPhone


August 6, 2019

Hi!  Entyce has been a blessing!
My dog stopped eating 7 months after a round of chemo for lymphoma. It’s most likely his lymphoma is back or he has another type of cancer in his liver; however, he’s not only eating well but he acts like he feels so much better! The only thing else we’re giving is prednisone. The effects of the Entyce dose last about 2-3 days before we give him another dose. Not sure how or why Entyce is helping him as much as it is, but for at least the last 3 months, it’s been a blessing !!
Thank you !

L.C., Sent from my iPhone


May 14, 2019

My 10 month old, 53 lb bloodhound puppy has NEVER eaten well. Let to his own devices he would eat maybe 1/2 cc food EOD maybe. I mix in rotisserie chicken, pork roast, canned food. Doesn’t matter. Just looks at the bowl and walks away. We’ve done tons of [blood work] and it comes back normal (chem, CBC, cortisol levels). I don’t know what else to check. 
So, desperate, I tried Entyce at 3 mg/ml. Within an hour he went to sleep for 3 hours mid day. When he finally woke up he was rubbing his eyes (not normal for him). I noticed that his inner eyelids were raised half way up his eyeball and his lower lids were hanging very droopy (not normal for this dog; normally has tight eyes.) Weird. He was following my husband around when he grabbed a snack (not normal for him).  I offered him his food and he polished off 2 cc very fast (normally eats kibble by kibble and takes forever). He would have eaten more, but I didn’t want to cause any GI issues. But he was asking for more. Seems quite tired. The weird reaction was the inner eyelids covering half his eyes and droopy lower lids.

Bev, San Diego


April 28, 2019

I read your article on Entyce and I wanted to give you some feedback (and wonder what you’ve learned since you first wrote about it.). We have a 9 y.o.  Bernese Mountain Dog, who was just dx’d with a tumor in her lung – we are awaiting a referral to another center as our country vet, while wonderful, doesn’t have a great X-ray machine. We’re praying it’s a granuloma, but the vet thinks it’s cancer. (She had an infection prior and this started the weird eating pattern.) 
Our girl started to lose interest in food and got down to 65 lbs. They suggested Entyce. It’s a weird product, I have to say. It takes a good 3 hours to take effect and she seems a little “out of it” for a solid 1-2 hours after taking it (like not coming in from the rain…and one night she stayed out in the dark, didn’t bark to come in as usual and was totally freaked out when we came and got her in —  and she just seems off for a while.) Once her appetite gets stimulated, she eats almost anything we give her and is her old self. She is also panting a lot more than normal as well as drooling, as your article suggests. That lasts for about 8 hours or more. 
I’m wondering if you’ve found any further side effects or have any concerns about a dog dx’d with cancer…

I appreciate your time.
Thanks, T.G.

Dear Ms. G.,

I do not have any specific information regarding psychological changes in dogs that might be related to their receiving Entyce. Because its effects on appetite rely on its similarity to Ghrelin, one might expect Entyce’s side effect to be similar as well. But there is nothing about that that has been published. Capromorelin (Entyce®) is also a growth hormone secretagogue, that is, it shares some of the characteristics of growth hormone. It is suggested that humans with cancer not receive growth hormone because there are some indications that it stimulates tumor growth. How that might apply to your dog I cannot say.


March 13, 2019

My dog hates Entyce. My puppy has been diagnosed with IBD and does not want to eat any brand of hydrolyzed dog food. I have to increase his appetite with Entyce. It is apparently very foul tasting because after it’s administered he shakes his head several times like it’s very bitter and sneezes. The last dose mostly ended up on me and he nearly bit me. Do you have any suggestions for improving the taste?

Thank you,
D. B.

Thanks for the email. Entyce is vanilla flavored. What worries me most is that your dog snapped at you. I do not want you or anyone in your family to get bitten. Discuss what happened with your local veterinarian or one of his/her technicians. I do not know that there would be any problem adding a little bit of a flavor that you already know your dog likes; but that would be a decision that would have to be made by your local veterinarian, not me. Aratana customer service might offer you advice on that as well.


March 7, 2019

My 14 yr old GSP, Ellie, developed severe anxiety.  She constantly shivered and shook and wouldn’t eat. Never leaving my side and couldn’t stay close enough.  I took her to the vet and she had lost 8 lbs from her previous 62 lbs 8 months earlier.  The vet prescribed Entyce.  The prescribed amount gave her massive diarrhea but she was eating.  So eventually I figured out that 1/3 of the prescribed dose was all she needed.  She’s such a sweet old lady and so loving.  It’s heartbreaking to witness her deteriorating.   I’m thankful for the product.



January  31, 2019

My foster dog, Russet Spuds, was diagnosed [ ] with a [cancerous mass close to one of her heart valves].  She lost 5# in 2 months and was skin and bones, no energy and not eating.  I started her [on] an all natural diet.  She also was put on prednisone and Entyce.  I can’t tell you which one of the three changes (food, prednisone or Entyce) helped pull her out of her near-death experience, but she is still alive and has gained back all 5#.  Of course the cancer has changed her taste buds so I am constantly changing what she is eating (what she eats in the morning is not necessarily what she will eat at night or for a snack).  She goes through periods of not wanting to eat and I put her back on the Entyce that does seem to help.  [ ]  After she starts eating on her own, then I stop the Entyce.  In the past several days, she has had no appetite and I have given her Entyce in the evenings.  I did not read your article until tonight and did not realize that Entyce would work within an hour or two.  I experienced that tonight.  I fed her fresh air fried hamburger for supper that she would not eat.  Then I gave her Entyce and an hour later I offered her the warm hamburger again that she would not eat so I made it into a slurry. She drank all of her supper that way.  When she goes through periods of not eating, its the Entyce and slurry that help her through it.  She is happy, tail wags, looks perfectly normal so I know its not time for her to cross the bridge and I am grateful that I have something that will help her.

Russet’s Foster Mom!


December 4, 2018

My dog, Bodhi, was diagnosed with HCC [malignant liver tumor] [and a spleen tumor subsequently]. I opted for a Chinese herbal protocol over chemo. [I am a veterinary technician]. I have kept him eating with Entyce. [ ] I stopped the Entyce about a month ago, but am starting [to give it] again. He was on [Entyce] from about May until a month ago. He dislikes the taste and has been doing OK with the 5 mg of prednisolone  (just started a month ago), and a quarter or less of a 7.5 mg mirtazapine. He is on I’m Yunity and Yunnan Baiyao daily. Another herb was added called Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang, per the Michigan protocol. I have stopped the last herb combo mentioned as I was concerned it was affecting appetite negatively. I would not have resorted to all these drugs but I will not watch him starve to death and he still eats while on them, enjoys walks each day for a couple hours and has a happy tail. When he is ready to leave I will honor the love we share and do what must be done although I will miss him forever. []

Thank you for your time.

C. M. & Bodhi


October 21, 2018

Our 14-year-old Standard Poodle has a pituitary tumor and Cushing’s disease. [ ].  His tumor is causing neurological symptoms including gait issues and loss of appetite. We have been using Entyce for 10 months. He eats with it, but still very difficult to feed him. However, without the Entyce he will not eat at all.  It has really helped us deal with his anorexia.

Kind regards,

V.G. PhD, RN, Kansas City, MO


October 9, 2018

I read your article and wanted to let you know that my 15-year-old cocker spaniel, Zeba, was started on Entyce a week ago and it immediately improved her appetite.  She [had] stopped wanting to eat and I was having a lot of difficulty getting her to take her meds.  She has oral melanoma, kidney, pulmonary and heart disease.  She is also blind.  She is looking great and walking around with her tail wagging.  She gets the [Entyce] med at noon every day and her appetite at noon was at first better than breakfast. Now she is doing great eating at breakfast and dinner.
Sue,  Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphone


August 4, 2018

Thanks to this miracle medication, Entyce, my 16 1/2 year old flat-coated retriever Sophia is eating again. She was starving herself to death.  No matter what changes of foods or even the lean beef and chicken I cooked for her but she would not eat. Dinner time was a nightmare for her and I. [Now she has] gained around 6 pounds in about a month of taking Entyce. I cannot say enough how grateful I am that this medication was invented.  It has saved my dog’s life for as long as God wants me to have her.

E.G.,  Wesley Chapel, Florida , Sent from my iPhone


June 28, 1018

My 17 year old miniature poodle, Porkchop, stopped eating a couple of months ago and lost substantial weight. His lab work is generally very good but he has had some GI issues, he is blind, has severe arthritis in his spine, collapsing bronchi and a small nodule in one lung. He sees an internist regularly and overall, was doing okay until he lost his appetite and dropped a couple of pounds. Pork Chop looked very frail and had little energy. He is on a very small daily dose of metronidazole for some colitis issues and we had been administering mirtazapine for quite some time.  It had reached the point where the last option was to send a GI study to Texas A&M. Pork Chop looked so frail I had actually made some prearrangement at the pet crematory as his quality of life was rapidly deteriorating. I read about Entyce on line and asked the internist if we might try it. At that point we really had nothing to lose and although he hadn’t used it much, had some in stock. It took a couple of days but I noticed an improvement in Porkchop’s appetite. I was cooking all sorts of special things for him to help encourage him to eat and gradually his appetite did pick up. Within a month or so he had regained his lost weight, was back to eating normal dog food and no longer looked frail. He has more energy and is much more like himself. This past week I discontinued Entyce and his appetite has continued to be very good.
Again, thank you for the invaluable service and all the information you provide to us pet owners!
Best Regards, C.L.   Sent from my iPad


January 28, 2018


My dog Aime will be 12 in March. She has lost a lot of weight and had been refusing food for some time. She went to the hospital and they really didn’t find anything remarkable. [I am ] giving [her] Entyce. She’s doing great. Eating much better, gained weight though not a tremendous amount. I have not observed any side effects whatsoever. She’ll be going for a follow up again the second week of Feb. and we’ll see what she weighs then. I can still see all her ribs but her attitude is good for a senior girl.

K.R.,  N. W. New Jersey


December 13, 2017

Hi there,

I have an elderly male mini schnauzer who has always been a voracious eater but in the last year or so he has become less so. Throughout his life he has eaten Solid Gold dry food but I have now tried about everything: ten different kinds of canned food, “Fresh Pet,” and recently I have been cooking chicken and rice for him. In the last ten days or so his refusing food has become [] alarming.  Some days he doesn’t eat at all.
He also suffers from heart disease, for which he takes benazepril and Pimobendan and [he has] dementia. I read up on the drugs he takes and called my vet to ask if they could be contributing to his loss of appetite (though the start of the decline predated the drugs). I am also aware that dementia comes with changes in eating habits.  I was thinking that dropping the drugs to see if he regained his appetite might be worthwhile; there’s not much point in forestalling heart failure if he starves himself to death.  My vet agreed with this strategy but when I asked if she had any other ideas she said she had just been reading about Entyce but that she hadn’t tried it yet. I picked some up and gave it to him at about 4:30, by 7:00 he was eating everything in sight.  I have kept (small) bowls filled with several different options for him in hopes something would “entice” (see what I did there?) him.  He had eaten two bowls and was on the third !  I actually took it away for a while so he wouldn’t just make himself sick with too much all of a sudden.
Anyway, I couldn’t imagine that it could work that quickly …so I went to the web and found your article.  A few hours, huh?  That is my experience and I am thrilled !  I will be very interested to see if it also helps with some of his dementia symptoms but even if it just ensures that he eats it’s a big improvement.
Thanks for filling in some of the gaps for me it was helpful to know more about the drug.  I will be doing regular bloodwork to watch for any of the side effects you noted.

J.I., Jacksonville, Florida


December 1, 2017

I have been using Entyce with my 17 YEAR old dog, Jones, for the last week. He developed chronic gastritis last year and had lost his desire to eat. I give Entyce at 2:30 pm and by 3:30 he is hungry. He continues to show appetite for up to 8 hours later but by morning is no longer interested in eating. I am considering moving up the time when I administer Entyce. Since he is on a very limited diet due to the gastritis and food and fat reactivity, the food itself held no interest to him. Before Entyce he would spit out his food if I tried to feed him. Now he gobbles his food and asks for more. It will definitely extend his life. He is an extremely active old dog and now he can eat. It is wonderful to see him interested in food again., Northeastern Ohio


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